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Yogurt Cake

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Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

The origins of the cake might be in France actually but I have only eaten this in Italy, for breakfast of course. If you are used to have sweet breakfasts like cereal it might be hard to find sugar free and yet tasty options for your breakfast table. Refined sugar free cakes with only a little amount of sweetener, in this case honey, are a good choice.

Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

This cake is not gluten free as most of my bakings are. I tried to go gluten free the same time I quit sugar but it wasn’t such a good idea after all. There was way too much of a life change for me in leaving white sugar and cutting the amount of sugar in my diet that I could have handled the gluten free thing too. Sometimes it’s better to take just a few of those big steps at a time.

Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

I used spelt, that’s why the cake is not almost completely white as yogurt cake usually is. Spelt has a great nutritional value for a grain. It has 6 times more dietary fiber and almost double of protein compared to white wheat flour.

Any yogurt will do, even the flavoured ones. I prefer full fat greek and I find the cake the best the day after baking or at least completely cooled.

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Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

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Traditional italian yogurt cake is a tasty sweet breakfast without refined sugar. You only need 6 ingredients and one bowl.

Perinteinen italialainen jogurttikakku valmistuu hetkessä, valmisteluihin tavitaan vain kulho ja vispilä. Hunajalla makeutettu kakku sopii hyvin vaikka makeaksi aamupalaksi.
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Yogurt Cake

Veera R.
Prep time5 minutes
Cooking time45 minutes
Total time50 minutes
Category: Baking, Breakfast


  • 1 ¼ cups plain greek yogurt full fat
  • cups + 1 tbsp olive oil
  • cups + 1 tbsp honey
  • 3 eggs
  • teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 2 cups spelt flour


  • Preheat oven to 180 C / 350 F.
  • Measure yogurt, oil, honey, eggs and vanilla powder in a medium sized mixing bowl and whisk together.
  • Add baking powder and flour and mix well.
  • Pod the dough in a greased oven pan (18-22 cm / 7-8,5 inch) and bake for 40-50 minutes.